Mollie McClelland Morris Mollie McClelland Morris

Spine 1: Flexion & Extension

Anatomy: Spinal curves, Facet joints, Multifidus and Rotatores spinal muscles

Understanding the movement of the spine in sidebends and twists. Free up and deepen these movements by understanding your biomechanics. We will also explore, and embody the ligaments that support the spine, and some of the deep spinal muscles.

Explore: "What does it mean to 'lengthen my spine'?" and "Do I need to protect my spine in movement?"

Yoga Poses include Side bends, seated and standing twists, and combination movements

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Mollie McClelland Morris Mollie McClelland Morris

Spine 2: Sidebends & Twists

Anatomy: Spinal curves, Facet joints, Multifidus and Rotatores spinal muscles

Understanding the movement of the spine in sidebends and twists. Free up and deepen these movements by understanding your biomechanics. We will also explore, and embody the ligaments that support the spine, and some of the deep spinal muscles.

Explore: "What does it mean to 'lengthen my spine'?" and "Do I need to protect my spine in movement?"

Yoga Poses include Side bends, seated and standing twists, and combination movements

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Mollie McClelland Morris Mollie McClelland Morris


Anatomy: The Psoas muscles

The psoas is incredibly important to movement, but do we really understand its function? How do we work with the psoas to create pelvic balance, easy posture and to release the lower back? And with the psoas, how do other back muscles work to support movement. And most importantly, how can we reduce tension, and pain, and feel easy and free in the body.

Explore: "Do I need to stretch my psoas, or strengthen it?"

Yoga Poses include Lunges, Backbends, utthita hasta padangustasana, leg lifts

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Mollie McClelland Morris Mollie McClelland Morris

Abs & Back Muscles

Anatomy: Spinal curves, Facet joints, Multifidus and Rotatores spinal muscles

Understanding the movement of the spine in sidebends and twists. Free up and deepen these movements by understanding your biomechanics. We will also explore, and embody the ligaments that support the spine, and some of the deep spinal muscles.

Explore: "What does it mean to 'lengthen my spine'?" and "Do I need to protect my spine in movement?"

Yoga Poses include Side bends, seated and standing twists, and combination movements

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