Breath, Abdominals & Pelvic Floor Muscles
Anatomy: The Abdominal Muscles, including opliques and transverse abdominal muscles. Levator Ani Group of Pelvic floor muscles and Diaphragm
Explore: "What is the most effective way to engage the core?" and "Should I always draw my navel into my spine?"
The abdominal muscles have multiple functions, and are needed to maintain the integrity and strength of the body. However, accessing their power is not always in the way we might imagine it. In this course we will explore the ways to get strong dynamic abs, and maintain good breathing.
Yoga material focuses on pranayama, forward bends, and back bends.
Webinar 2: Ribs
Anatomy: Sternum and Rib bones, Sterno-chondral and chondrocostal junctions
LO: Explore the flexibility, movement potential and ‘compliance’ of the rib cage in different movements and in relationship to breathing. Embody the shapes and movements of the ribs to create ease in the shoulders and in the spine. Explore how the rib cage can become more mobile, and the effect this has on health, emotions and overall body tone and wellbeing.
Explore: “What is the rib movement that facilitates breathing?"
Yoga Poses include Twists, Sidebends, extended side angle poses and variations
The Neck
Session 3: The neck
Anatomy: Cervical vertebra, Atlas and Axis bones (C1 and C2), Upper trapezius, Sternocleidomastoid, elevator scapula, scalenes, and sub occipital muscles
An area of so much importance, and strain, with so little information. We explore the very top of the spine, where it meets the skull, the atlas and the axis. We will also work with and release the neck muscles and sub-occipitals. This work is profoundly relaxing, can take us into deep quiet states and helps to reframe movement of the head.
Explore: "Should I relax, stretch or support my neck?"
Yoga material focuses on head movements, and addresses twists, backbends and neck and shoulder release stretches.
Lungs & Heart
Session 4: Lungs
Anatomy: Diaphragm muscle, Lungs and pleura, Heart
LO: Explore how the lungs facilitate breath. Embody the lobes of the lungs in movement and how you can create inner support for movement through these embodiments. Learn about how the lungs expand into the ribs, and feel how deep your breath can become as a result.
Explore: “How can moving the lungs support our yoga practice? And how can we create longevity and health by exploring the lungs?”
Yoga Poses include Twists, Sidebends, Trikonasana, Warrior 1, salabhasana
Workshop: Breath, Bandha & the dance of Energy
Session 5: This workshop is an exploration of the power of the breath, and the pressure chambers of the chest and abdomen, and how working with these areas can create profound mental, and physical shifts within yoga practice. Both meditative and physical this workshop will transform your relationship to your inner body in yoga posture practice